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Freeze eggs for later fertilization when ready for parenthood, for a high-quality pregnancy.

Freeze eggs

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Because the problem of infertility can occur and often increases with age, such as a decrease in the quantity and quality of eggs in the body, or sometimes there may be unexpected issues. Good quality egg freezing in sufficient quantities can help you have children when you are ready.

If you are not ready to have children, you can freeze your eggs.

Egg freezing is one option that can help preserve viable eggs. As women age, the chances of conception decrease, and the risks of miscarriage and pregnancies with chromosomal abnormalities increase. Therefore, freezing eggs is one method that can help prolong the viability of eggs and increase the chances of future pregnancies.

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing, also known as egg cryopreservation, is an innovative method of preserving eggs for those who want to have children in the future. It involves storing healthy eggs in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -195 degrees Celsius. In simple terms, it means freezing eggs to prevent any changes that would affect the functionality of the egg cells, keeping them similar to normal, fully functional eggs. It’s like stopping time to preserve the eggs’ quality until the woman is ready to conceive. When the time comes, the frozen eggs are thawed, fertilized with sperm, and implanted into the uterus through in vitro fertilization (IVF) to achieve a pregnancy, just like a regular fertility treatment.

Who should consider egg freezing?

  • Women who are 35 years old or older and are not yet ready to have children.
  • Individuals who are planning to have children in the future or have a partner but are not married and believe that it will be many years before they get married or are ready to have children.
  • Individuals who need to undergo ovarian surgery due to conditions such as endometriosis or ovarian cysts, such as a chocolate cyst.
  • Patients who require chemotherapy or radiation therapy that may affect ovarian function.
  • Individuals with chromosomal abnormalities that may cause early menopause.
  • Women at high risk, such as those working with chemicals.

Steps for Preserving Eggs by Freezing Method

The process of preserving eggs is similar to preserving eggs for in vitro fertilization. It begins with injecting egg-stimulating medication approximately 10 days prior, with daily injections. The growth and development of the eggs are monitored using ultrasound and periodic hormone tests. Once the eggs have reached the desired size, an injection called HCG is administered to induce maturation. After 36 hours of HCG injection, the eggs are retrieved by puncturing and suctioning them through the birth canal, and then preserved. In the case of preserving eggs exclusively, without fertilization, there is no need to mix them with sperm. The doctor selects the mature and healthy eggs and preserves them by freezing. When the owner of the eggs decides to become pregnant, the eggs are thawed and combined with sperm.

Egg Preservation or Egg Freezing and its Effectiveness

The quality of eggs primarily depends on the age of the egg owner at the time of preservation. Therefore, eggs preserved at a younger age tend to have better quality. The chance of all 10 eggs surviving the freezing process is difficult. Normally, about 70-80% of the eggs, approximately 8 or 7 out of 10, will survive. This depends on the quality of the eggs before freezing. The surviving eggs are used for fertilization through a process called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which has a similar success rate to using fresh eggs. The resulting children from frozen eggs do not exhibit any significant differences or abnormalities compared to those conceived naturally or through IVF.

How Many Years Can Eggs Be Preserved or Frozen?

Generally, when cells are stored in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius, all cellular activities cease without any changes. Therefore, it can be said that cells can remain preserved indefinitely. Currently, there are no reports indicating a specific time period beyond which preserved eggs cannot result in a successful pregnancy. The latest available data suggests that eggs preserved for approximately 4-5 years can be thawed and used for successful fertilization and pregnancy.

What are the Side Effects or Complications of the Egg Freezing Process?

There may be some risks associated with egg stimulation, as excessive hormone response can occur when the body is stimulated. Additionally, there is a risk of bleeding during the egg retrieval process. However, if caution is exercised throughout each step and appropriate medications are chosen, the chances of complications are minimized.

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