Heart Failure Caused by Leaky Heart Valves

Mitral valve regurgitation often does not present noticeable symptoms initially, as symptoms typically arise when the heart can no longer tolerate the increased volume of blood. However, symptoms can suddenly occur, potentially leading to heart failure.

Heart Valves and Their Functions

The heart valves function like gates, preventing blood from flowing back into the chambers of the heart when it contracts. Acting as doors that open and close between the heart chambers, these valves work continuously from birth. In our hearts, there are four valves located in the following positions:

  1. Tricuspid Valve: Located between the upper and lower chambers of the right side of the heart.
  2. Pulmonary Valve: Positioned between the lower chamber of the right side of the heart and the pulmonary artery, which carries oxygenated blood to the lungs.
  3. Mitral Valve: Found between the upper and lower chambers of the left side of the heart.
  4. Aortic Valve: Located between the lower chamber of the left side of the heart and the aorta, the main artery that carries oxygenated blood to the body.

Characteristics of Heart Valves

Heart valves consist of thin or thick layers of tissue, with the number of layers depending on the valve’s position. For instance, the mitral valve resembles a horse saddle and is approximately 2-3 millimeters thick. In contrast, the aortic valve comprises three thin, circular-shaped leaflets. Although these leaflets may appear fragile, they are actually very strong.

A slight leakage in a heart valve may not show any symptoms, and even significant leakage can often go unnoticed. Symptoms typically arise when the heart struggles to accommodate the increased blood volume, leading to a condition known as heart failure. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, swollen legs, and rapid heartbeat. Therefore, regular physical examinations or annual check-ups are essential for detecting abnormalities.

Causes of Mitral Valve Regurgitation

Several factors can lead to mitral valve regurgitation:

  • Congenital Abnormalities: Some individuals may have congenital defects in the mitral valve that manifest in childhood or adulthood. Symptoms in children may include easy fatigue, stunted growth, and a bluish tinge to the body, possibly accompanied by a leaky heart wall.
  • Age-Related Degeneration: The mitral valve may deteriorate over time, often involving mitral valve prolapse due to calcium deposits adhering to the valve.
  • Rheumatic Heart Disease: This condition results from childhood infections causing inflammation of the heart. While symptoms may appear in childhood, they typically become more pronounced with age.
  • Infections: Infections affecting the mitral valve can lead to inflammation and deformities. Pathogens may originate from the oral cavity, unclean needle injections (such as in drug abuse), or invasive procedures like tongue or organ piercings.

Treatment of Mitral Valve Regurgitation

If the mitral valve fails to close or open properly, a doctor will first assess the severity of the condition. They will monitor symptoms to determine whether repair or replacement surgery is necessary.

Management for Patients with Mitral Valve Regurgitation

If the regurgitation is not severe, patients can continue their normal activities. However, in cases of severe regurgitation, symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue may limit daily activities. Patients should avoid salty foods, high-fat foods, alcohol (including beer and wine), and smoking, as these can worsen heart muscle conditions.

An important consideration for patients with abnormal mitral valve function is to be cautious about infections. For any dental procedures, tooth extractions, plaque removal, or surgical interventions, it is crucial to inform the healthcare provider. This allows the physician to prescribe prophylactic antibiotics before treatment to prevent infections.

If you are concerned about the possibility of having a heart condition or mitral valve regurgitation, and you have never undergone a health check-up because you feel healthy and show no apparent symptoms, it is recommended that you undergo a health screening—especially for heart health—or consult with a specialized cardiologist before it becomes a serious issue. It's important to recognize that underlying conditions can exist without displaying any symptoms.


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