All You Can Check

All You Can Check

"All You Can Check" you can then use for 12 months 1 year after the first date when you use of the first time !!

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The “All You Can Check” health program by Phyathai Hospital Group comes with the concept of “Check the Right Health for the Life You Love.” It includes two parts: Basic Checkup (21 items) and Advance Checkup (over 40 items), all bundled at a fixed price of 15,900 Baht for men and 17,900 Baht for women.

  • Comprehensive Basic Checkup:

Regardless of your identity or lifestyle, you can undergo the 21-item Basic Checkup multiple times. This includes physical examination, chest X-ray, EKG heart wave examination, urinalysis, complete blood count, blood sugar level check, kidney function test, liver function test, LDL HDL cholesterol test, triglycerides test, uric acid test, thyroid gland function test, and more. While some of these tests may be found in general health checkup packages, what sets the “All You Can Check” program apart is the unlimited access to these tests throughout the entire one-year period at no additional cost.

  • In-Depth Screening:

Beyond the Basic Checkup, the program highlights the Advance Checkup, which allows you to choose from six categories out of nine, offering up to 19 tests. These categories cover screening for brain blood vessel diseases, heart diseases, cancer, thyroid disorders, gastrointestinal and liver diseases, bone and joint diseases prevention, CT & MRI scans, deep hormone and vitamin level screening, and even Covid-19 Screening & Caring Checkup. The unique aspect of the Advance Checkup is the personalized consultation with a doctor who discusses your health goals and provides recommendations for suitable tests based on your lifestyle. Additionally, the program stands out as it goes beyond a one-time health check; it helps you monitor your health throughout the entire year. This continuous monitoring enables you to assess the impact of lifestyle changes on various blood parameters. For instance, if you have high cholesterol, your doctor may recommend dietary and exercise adjustments, and after three months, a follow-up check can be scheduled to assess the effectiveness of these changes.


Basic Check-up with 21 items *For first-time use by May 31, 2024 Limit Male Female
Physical Examination 2 times per year
Vital signs Unlimited frequency
Chest X-ray
Urine Examination
Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
Alk Phosphatase
Uric Acid
Advance Check Up Category 1: Screening for cerebrovascular diseases Limit Male Female
Ultrasound Doppler Carotid 2 times per year
Category 2: Screening for heart diseases Limit Male Female
EST 2 times per year
Category 3: Screening for cancer Limit Male Female
Thinprep 1 times per year
Ultrasound 2D Pelvis
Digital Mammogram with US Breast
PSA Unlimited frequency
CA 19-9
CA 15-3 – Breast Cancer
CA 125 – Ovary Cancer
Category 4: Screening for thyroid diseases (all items are included) Limit Male Female
Ultrasound Thyroid 1 times per year
Thyroglobulin 2 times per year
Category 5: Screening for digestive system and liver diseases Limit Male Female
HBs Ag + Anti HBs Unlimited frequency
Anti HBc (HBcAb)
Anti HAV IgM
Anti-HAV (IgM+IgG)
Stool Examination + Occult Blood
US Upper Abdomen 2 times per year
US Lower Abdomen
Gamma GT
Total Protein + Albumin + Globulin
Category 6: Screening for bone and joint diseases Limit Male Female
BMD Lumbar Spine Hip 2 point 1 times per year
Category 7: Specific examination by CT Scan Limit Male Female
CT Brain 1 times per year
CT Chest
CT screening Paranasal Sinuses
CT screening KUB Stone
CT – Calcium scoring
Category 8: Screening for eye and ear diseases Limit Male Female
Otological Examination 2 times per year
Eye Examination Unlimited frequency
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 1 times per year
Category 9: Assessment of physical fitness and body balance Limit Male Female
Posture Check 3 times per year
Muscle Check
Body Check
Consultation by Physical Therapist

Service Terms and Conditions

1. Service Availability
1.1 Available for purchase from December 12, 2023, to March 31, 2024
2. Service Duration and Access
2.1 Basic Check-up group can avail services for the first time until May 31, 2024.
2.2 Basic Check-up groups, items 2-21, can be examined an unlimited number of times, subject to the physician’s discretion.
2.3 Items in the Advance Check-up group can be accessed only after completing the Basic Check-up.
2.4 Program services can be used within 365 days or 1 year from the date of the first examination.
2.5 For subsequent check-ups, the same physician who conducted the Basic Check-up must be consulted.3. Program Examination Service Fees
3.1 The stated program prices include physician fees and service charges for the first and second examinations only.
3.2 For the third examination onwards, fees for various examinations are at the discretion of the physician, and additional physician and other hospital charges apply as per actual.
4. The mentioned prices do not include consultation fees for specialized centers. In case abnormalities are detected and require further treatment, additional physician fees apply.
5. The mentioned prices include food vouchers and result report books in the first health check-up.
6. For CT Scan examinations:
6.1 In cases where the physician recommends contrast injection for abnormality detection, the patient must pay additional contrast agent fees (priced between 8,000-15,000 Baht, depending on the value of the contrast agent used).
6.2 CT Scan examinations are subject to the physician’s discretion.
7. Changing Examination Categories in the Advance Check-up Group
7.1 Customers can change examination categories within one year if they choose specific categories but have not completed all examinations.
7.2 Once all categories are examined, customers cannot change examination categories on the day of the follow-up appointment for the second examination.
8. If customers cannot undergo the initial examination by May 31, 2024, they can still have the first examination after that date, but program access ends on May 31, 2025 (not 365 days, as for customers who follow the normal conditions).
9. Appointments are necessary for every examination for convenience in accessing services.
10. The company reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.
11. Participation in the examination program, service utilization, and additional charges depend on the hospital branch providing the service.
12. After undergoing the specified program examination, transfer of rights or change of service recipients is not allowed. The person undergoing the examination must be the same throughout the program’s validity.
13. The program is applicable only for health check-ups and examinations at the Outpatient Department (OPD). Emergency cases and Inpatient-type services are not eligible for this program.
14. If customers do not use the services within the specified time frame, the hospital reserves the right not to refund in any case.
15. The program is non-refundable and cannot be converted into cash, goods, or other services under any circumstances.
16. The program can only be used Phyathai Sriracha Hospital only, and branch changes are not permitted.


For further information or Booking..



"All You Can Check" health program is not a conventional health screening that merely identifies risks or detects diseases. It goes further by offering continuous monitoring for an entire year, allowing individuals to tailor their behaviors according to their desired lifestyle. The essence of "All You Can Check" is to 'Check the Right Health... for the Life You Love!'


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