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  • Please call an ambulance to pick up the patient at home. It’s not as difficult as you think.

Please call an ambulance to pick up the patient at home. It’s not as difficult as you think.


The decision to call an ambulance for a patient or a relative is often perceived as a major and complicated matter, and some may think that it delays the process. However, in reality, calling an ambulance to pick up a patient at home has numerous benefits and is not as difficult as many people think.

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When should you consider calling an ambulance?

Many people may wonder when it is appropriate to call an ambulance. In the present time, it is found that approximately 90% of patients prefer to travel to hospitals using private vehicles. However, in certain situations, calling an ambulance to pick up a patient can be more convenient and safer.

Here are some factors to consider when making a decision:

1. Is the patient in a life-threatening condition?

Why should you consider this? When you call an ambulance to pick up a patient, they will receive prompt medical care from a suitable medical team with all the necessary equipment, including medications and medical devices used to save lives. This helps reduce the risk of complications and the severity of injuries.

2. Is there a possibility of the patient’s condition worsening during self-transportation?

As it is well known, traffic in large cities like Bangkok can be congested, making it difficult to coordinate assistance for private vehicle transportation. However, ambulances have a network system for coordination, which allows for faster patient transfers.

3. Does self-transportation increase the risk of exacerbating the patient’s injuries?

In certain injuries, such as accidents, improper handling during transportation can worsen the severity of injuries, especially in cases of neck or spinal injuries. If there is an injury of this nature, it is advisable to call an ambulance to ensure that the hospital is prepared with appropriate equipment to support the patient and prevent further injuries.

4. Does the situation require the skills of medical personnel and medical equipment?

Because bringing the patient on your own may cause delays in transportation, if the patient requires equipment or medical tools, accessing these services may be delayed, increasing the risks for the patient.

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, it indicates that you should call an ambulance for patient transportation.

Important information to prepare before calling an ambulance:

  1. Have the contact number ready (hospital’s number or emergency medical services number like 1669).
  2. Provide information about the nature of the incident, the condition of the patient or injured person.
  3. Clearly state the location of the incident and provide clear directions.
  4. Provide the gender, age range, symptoms, and number of patients or injured persons.
  5. Describe the level of consciousness of the patient.
  6. Mention any potential risks, such as being in the middle of the road or presence of fire.
  7. Provide your name and contact number for further communication.
  8. Follow the basic instructions given by the emergency services personnel.
  9. Wait for the rescue team to arrive and transport the patient to the hospital.
  10. The most important thing when contacting the hospital to request an ambulance is to stay calm and prepare all the necessary information as mentioned above. By doing so, you can help ensure that the patient receives prompt, accurate, and safe medical services.

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