Chronic kidney disease can be improved with hemodialysis.

Chronic kidney disease

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There are ways to treat patients with kidney disease that can allow them to live a happy and safe life similar to normal individuals. When someone discovers that they have kidney disease, even at the stage of chronic kidney failure, patients often feel deeply distressed, hopeless, and discouraged. However, in the field of medicine, there are still methods to care for and treat the kidneys, allowing patients to live a fulfilling life. One of the effective methods of renal replacement therapy is “dialysis,” which, if patients and their close ones study and understand the principles of dialysis well, can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment.

Important principles to know for effective dialysis treatment:

Understanding: Patients with chronic kidney failure and their close ones must first understand that chronic kidney failure is a condition where the kidneys are damaged and unable to function, requiring replacement therapy to sustain life. This means that dialysis must be performed throughout life and cannot be stopped. However, dialysis allows patients to live longer with a good quality of life, without suffering from symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, and other effects of kidney failure. If the goal is to discontinue dialysis and recover from kidney failure, it is necessary to consider kidney transplantation as the only option to replace the failed kidneys.

Dialysis is not as scary as one might think because it is a process of lying down to remove waste products from the body, balance electrolytes and excess water, and then return the clean blood back into the body. For dialysis to be effective, it must be strictly followed according to the doctor’s appointments, approximately 2-3 times per week, with each session lasting about 4 hours. If this is done, patients can lead a relatively normal life.

Which symptoms indicate the need to start dialysis?

Group 1: Patients who were previously unaware that they had kidney disease but exhibit the following symptoms:

  1. Frequent nighttime urination
  2. Foamy urine and persistent urine abnormalities
  3. Breathlessness, fatigue, and prolonged loss of appetite

Even if the age is not advanced, if these symptoms persist, it is possible that the kidneys have already deteriorated, and dialysis may be necessary.

Group 2: Patients who already have kidney disease that gradually worsens, and the majority of symptoms indicate the need for dialysis:

  1. Swelling
  2. Fatigue
  3. Pulmonary edema
  4. High levels of waste products in the blood reaching critical levelsAlthough many patients may think that they are not in critical condition because they can still urinate, in reality, if they experience worsening swelling, increased fatigue, and pulmonary edema, it means that the kidneys are no longer functioning properly. The levels of waste products in the blood gradually increase. If left untreated without dialysis, patients may experience vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, weakness, and bloating. It may even progress to seizures. Abnormal levels of electrolytes and acidic blood caused by abnormal electrolytes and acidic blood often coincide with significantly elevated blood pressure due to excessive water and electrolytes in the body. Normally, blood pressure might range between 140-160, but it can increase to 200 or even higher. If high blood pressure is accompanied by swelling, fatigue, and other symptoms that were not previously present, it raises suspicion that the kidneys have deteriorated to the point where dialysis is necessary

“Online blood purification for better efficiency.

In addition to conventional hemodialysis performed according to standards, there is another method of blood purification that is more effective. It utilizes more advanced technology known as Online-Hemodiafiltration or simply “online blood purification.” The advantages include more efficient removal of waste products, reduced inflammation, and better preservation of blood vessels, leading to a lower risk of heart and blood vessel diseases. Statistics have shown that kidney disease patients often succumb to complications related to inadequate blood supply to the heart. Furthermore, this method helps maintain the skin’s natural complexion, commonly referred to as “non-darkened dialysis,” as Online-Hemodiafiltration efficiently removes waste products without causing the patient’s skin to darken, unlike the standard method. The term “online” in the name of this blood purification method refers to the patient’s data being displayed on the screen while the medical staff performs the dialysis. This allows the medical staff to work smoothly, accurately, safely, and with improved efficiency.

Chronic kidney disease is treatable, and patients can live long lives without enduring much suffering, as long as they don’t lose hope and receive proper dialysis treatment. The key to rekindling the patients’ motivation lies in opening their hearts, listening to the doctor’s advice, and strictly following it. Additionally, it is crucial for the patient’s relatives to provide support and be there to ensure continuous and appropriate treatment. This will enable the patients to have a high-quality and fulfilling life according to their desires.”



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