Bruises, a small matter that is not small


First of all, let's understand how bruises occur. Bruises happen when the body experiences an impact ranging from mild to severe, causing the blood vessels under the skin to rupture and blood to leak into the surrounding area. This causes a change in color on the skin in the affected area. Initially, it may appear purple, then change to gray or green before eventually turning brown. The color change is associated with the healing process of the bruise, which typically takes 7-10 days.

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What types of bruises are dangerous and require caution? If a bruise persists for more than 10 days or about 2 weeks and shows no signs of improvement, and if symptoms such as fever, increased pain around the bruise, enlargement of the bruise, or the appearance of bruises on the body occur even without direct impact, these bruises may indicate an underlying health condition. It is advisable to promptly consult a doctor to identify the clear cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Professional care for bruises

  • Apply ice packs within the first 48 hours.
  • Bruises occur when blood vessels rupture due to an impact, causing blood to flow close to the skin. Therefore, when you notice a bruise, apply a cold compress immediately. The cold temperature helps to quickly heal the bruise by constricting the blood vessels under the skin. The correct method for cold compresses is to put ice in a plastic bag, wrap it in a cloth, and apply it. Avoid applying ice directly to the skin, and continue the cold compress for at least 20 minutes. Repeat this process for 48 hours after the appearance of the green bruise.
  • Apply warm compresses after 48 hours.
  • To promote blood circulation to the bruised area and accelerate the healing process, use a warm compress. Dip a washcloth in warm water and apply it to the bruise for 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day.
  • Elevate the bruised area.
  • Keep the bruised area elevated as much as possible within the first 24 hours. This method is crucial. If you have a bruise, try to rest and avoid exerting too much physical force on the affected area.
  • Consume nutritious foods to strengthen the body’s immune system.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals helps prevent bruising and accelerates the recovery process. These foods include eggs, milk, high vitamin C fruits, and dark green vegetables.


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Bruises are often not a major concern that requires medical consultation. However, if you have a bruise that did not result from an injury and does not fade or improve within 2 weeks, it is advisable to see a doctor to examine the underlying cause and receive targeted treatment.


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