Placenta previa Reducing the dangers when hurrying for antenatal care


In general, if there is a low-lying placenta condition, it often leads to bleeding after being pregnant for more than 6 months. However, for some women who have had early pregnancy, doctors can detect a low-lying placenta condition as early as the first 3 months of pregnancy. In the early stages, the bleeding may not be significant, there is no abdominal pain, and it often stops on its own. Later, the bleeding may occur again and the amount may increase.

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Causes related to the occurrence of a low-lying placenta condition are as follows:

  • The mother is over 35 years old.
  • The mother has previously given birth to twins, which causes the placenta to be larger.
  • The mother has poor blood circulation to nourish the uterine wall, which may have been caused by fibroids in the uterus or diabetes.
  • It may be caused by side effects of medications used to treat high blood pressure or from smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day.
  • The uterine wall has a lesion from previous cesarean section or miscarriage.

Effects on the pregnant mother when experiencing a low-lying placenta condition:

  1. Bleeding: It may cause shock due to blood loss.
  2. Premature rupture of membranes: It can result in giving birth before the due date.
  3. Postpartum infection: Due to the proximity of the torn blood vessels near the cervix, it is prone to infection.

Effects on the fetus when the mother has a low-lying placenta condition:

  1. Death from premature birth.
  2. Lower weight than gestational age, slow growth during pregnancy.
  3. Developmental disabilities such as central nervous system disorders, congenital heart diseases, respiratory and digestive system disorders, and more.

Pregnancy care helps reduce the risks associated with a low-lying placenta condition. Most cases of miscarriage caused by a low-lying placenta occur because the mother did not receive prompt hospital care, which would have allowed the doctor to closely monitor and prevent the condition. Treatment for a low-lying placenta involves administering appropriate medications at the right time.

Therefore, if you start experiencing irregular menstrual symptoms or want to know if you are pregnant, it is advisable to seek prompt medical attention and undergo an examination at the Women’s Health Center at Phyathai Sriracha Hospital. We are ready to provide healthcare services for women of all ages with various conditions, with a team of expert doctors, including female physicians for your choice.


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