Surgical Sperm Retrieval for ICSI

Surgical Sperm Retrieval

In cases where sperm cannot be retrieved naturally, but there is a need for fertility treatment using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), sperm can be collected from the testicles.

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Collection of Sperm from the Testicles for Mixing with Eggs: There are three methods available.

1. PESA – Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration

is a method of collecting sperm by using a small needle, approximately 2 mm in diameter, to extract sperm from the epididymis, which is the upper part of the testicle where sperm is stored.

2. TESA – Testicular sperm aspiration

TESA is a method of collecting sperm from the testicles by using a small needle to extract testicular tissue. This method is used when sperm cannot be found in the epididymis or when the amount of sperm obtained from the epididymis is insufficient.

3. TESE – Testicular sperm extraction

TESE is a method of collecting sperm from the testicles by making a small incision in the testicular tissue to extract a small sample. This method is used when sperm cannot be obtained through TESA or when the amount of sperm obtained is not sufficient for treatment.

When is Sperm Collection from the Testicles Necessary?

1. Diagnostic purposes:

In cases where no sperm is found in the semen analysis, which is often due to blockages in the sperm duct or the testicles’ inability to produce sperm, diagnostic tests can determine the cause. If the cause is a blockage, sperm can be collected from the testicles using TESA and then mixed with eggs externally through in vitro fertilization (IVF). If the cause is testicular failure, only immature sperm will be found, resulting in a very low success rate for treatment.

2. Treatment purposes:

Sperm collection from the testicles is done for treatment purposes, such as in cases where it is known that sperm can be produced in the testicles or when the male partner has previously fathered children but has undergone vasectomy, does not want to reverse the procedure, or has had a vasectomy for many years, which reduces the success rate of reversal. Directly collecting sperm from the source allows for the retrieval of the most genetically complete sperm, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

3. Inability to retrieve sperm naturally:

In cases where sperm cannot be retrieved naturally, but there is a need for fertility treatment using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), sperm can be collected from the testicles.


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