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Irregular menstruation can be one of the factors contributing to infertility.


Women with irregular menstrual cycles may experience hormonal imbalances, which can affect ovulation and lead to difficulties in conceiving. Seeking medical advice to identify the true causes of abnormal menstrual cycles can lead to appropriate treatment and increase the chances of successful conception.

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Getting married has been a long time coming, and you want to have children. However, you haven’t been able to get pregnant yet. Many couples who want to have children but are unable to conceive often have questions and concerns about the reasons behind their difficulty. This is especially true for women whose menstrual cycles are irregular, missing, or inconsistent. They are eager to know if this is one of the causes of their difficulty in conceiving and, if so, what is the underlying reason and how can it be addressed?

How can you tell if your menstrual cycle is “abnormal”?

Normally, a woman’s reproductive system releases an egg every 28 days, give or take a few days. The menstrual cycle typically falls within the range of 21 to 35 days, with most women having their periods every 23 days, not exceeding 35 days. As long as the menstrual cycle is regular, it is considered normal.

However, when the release of the egg is delayed or does not occur at all, it can result in a delayed menstrual cycle. Some women may experience cycles of 30 to 40 days or have a gap of up to 2 months between periods. For example, one month may have a 26-day cycle, followed by a 40-day cycle, and then a 30-day cycle. This is considered an “abnormal” menstrual cycle.

What are the possible causes of an abnormal menstrual cycle?

In general, having irregular menstrual cycles that occur infrequently can be caused by various factors. This is particularly true during periods of stress or illness. Once the stress is relieved or the illness subsides, the menstrual cycle usually returns to normal.

For those who consistently experience irregular menstrual cycles that occur consecutively for a long period, there is a higher possibility that it may be due to hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalance can affect the frequency of ovulation or cause excessively frequent menstruation, leading to hormone imbalances. Other factors may also contribute to this condition, which requires a diagnosis from a medical professional.

Why does an abnormal menstrual cycle lead to difficulty conceiving?

When the menstrual cycle is irregular, missing, or abnormal, it indicates that your body may not be releasing eggs regularly or may not be releasing them at all. The absence of ovulation is the primary reason for difficulties in conceiving. Even if ovulation occurs but in small numbers, the chances of getting pregnant decrease.

The importance of ovulation in conception

Nevertheless, having a regular or irregular menstrual cycle is just one aspect that may contribute to difficulties in conceiving. The most crucial factor in conception is the occurrence of ovulation. As long as your ovulation is regular, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

However, if your menstrual cycle is irregular or absent, it may indicate that you are not ovulating. Therefore, if you notice irregularities in your menstrual cycle, it is advisable to consult a physician to investigate the underlying causes. This is because it may be an indication of an underlying health issue or abnormality, and proper diagnosis and treatment are essential to restore normal ovulation. This, in turn, can help resolve your difficulties in conceiving, enabling you to have a successful pregnancy.


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