“Egg Freezing” An Option for Those Who Want to Have Children

Egg freezing

Understanding “Egg Freezing”

The preservation and freezing of eggs have been developed continuously for many decades. In the past, egg freezing was mainly used for cancer patients who needed to preserve their eggs before receiving chemotherapy or radiation, which could harm or destroy the eggs in the ovaries. If these individuals delayed getting married, they would lose the opportunity to have children. Thus, the method of egg freezing was utilized within this group. Subsequently, it has been increasingly used in other contexts as well. Nowadays, most people prioritize building a stable family before deciding to have children, but as they age, the quantity and quality of eggs decrease, leading to difficulties in conception. Therefore, the practice of egg freezing emerged as a solution for future use.

How “Egg Freezing” Preserves High-Quality Eggs from an Early Stage

Egg freezing, or egg cryopreservation, is an innovative technique that involves preserving eggs in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -195 degrees Celsius. This extremely low temperature halts the activity of all cells. In simple terms, the eggs that are frozen remain unchanged, allowing the eggs’ cellular integrity to be maintained in their original state, as if time had been paused.

The Process of Egg Freezing

The process of egg freezing involves stimulating the ovaries by administering daily hormone injections for approximately 10 days. The growth and development of the eggs are monitored through ultrasound and hormone level assessments. When the eggs reach the desired size, an injection called HCG is given to induce egg maturation. After 36 hours of the HCG injection, the eggs are retrieved through a minor surgical procedure and selected eggs of optimal quality are then frozen.

Effectiveness of Egg Freezing Treatment

The quality of collected eggs depends primarily on their age. If eggs are collected at a younger age, they are more beneficial because they have better quality. For example, if we freeze 10 eggs, it would be difficult for all 10 eggs to survive. Normally, around 8 or 7 eggs would survive, depending on the quality of the eggs before freezing. However, after the eggs survive, the process of fertilization with sperm through the ICSI method is performed, and the chances of successful fertilization are not different from the process with fresh eggs. The quality remains the same, and children born from frozen eggs do not have any significant differences compared to children conceived through normal IVF procedures.

How long can eggs be frozen?

Normally, when cells are stored in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -195 degrees Celsius, all cell activities stop without any changes. Therefore, it can be said that the cells can remain frozen indefinitely. However, there is currently no report on how long eggs can be stored and still result in a successful pregnancy. The latest information indicates that eggs can be frozen and stored for approximately 4-5 years. After thawing and fertilization with sperm through the ICSI method, the resulting embryos can be transferred to the uterus, and pregnancy can occur as usual.

What are the side effects and complications of the egg freezing process?

Stimulating the ovaries can pose certain risks. When the body receives hormones, there is a possibility of excessive ovarian response, and there is also a risk of bleeding during the egg retrieval process. However, if each step is performed with caution and appropriate medication is selected, the risk of complications is minimized.

How to prepare for egg freezing?

Preparing for egg freezing is not difficult. It involves taking care of both physical and mental health, ensuring a balanced diet with all five food groups, increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables, and proteins, and engaging in regular exercise. Additionally, reducing stress is beneficial for both egg quality and ovarian response during the egg freezing process. Many people may view egg freezing as unnecessary, but it is important to remember that people are getting married later in life nowadays, and increasing age can lead to difficulties in conceiving naturally.

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Therefore, egg freezing is a good and safe option for preserving eggs for future fertility.



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    Reproductive Medicine

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