The cause of infertility is from the male side.


In the medical field, the term "infertility" generally refers to the situation where a couple has been living together for at least one year, but the female partner has not been able to conceive. Nowadays, the incidence of infertility has been increasing in all age groups.

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Actually, the difficulty of having children is not solely a problem for women. In fact, men themselves can be a cause of infertility, accounting for about 30-40% of cases, which is equivalent to the proportion found in women. Therefore, it is important to investigate the causes of infertility in both men and women.

The main causes of male infertility are related to the quality of sperm or abnormalities in the reproductive system, including:

  1. Abnormal sperm production process: This can be due to abnormalities that occur from birth, such as chromosomal abnormalities, undescended testicles, or infections in the testicles. Common infections include mumps virus that affects the testicles, or it can be caused by testicular torsion or trauma from accidents. It can also be caused by certain medications like blood pressure medications, chemicals, heat exposure, although in most cases, the specific cause cannot be identified.
  2. Abnormal transportation of sperm from the testicles: This can be a congenital condition or a result of vasectomy, which is the surgical procedure to block the sperm ducts.
  3. Body’s immune response against sperm: This can be a result of previous vasectomy, long-term exposure to infections, or the cause may not be identified in most cases.
  4. Natural sexual problems: This includes problems such as erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation (when semen enters the bladder instead of being expelled through the penis), lack of sexual desire, spinal cord injuries, testicular surgery, or certain medications that affect sperm production.อไม่ได้
  5. Hormonal problems that regulate sperm production: Some individuals may have problems with hormone deficiencies from birth or have tumors in the pituitary gland that interfere with the production of hormones that stimulate the testicles. The use of male hormones in bodybuilders can also suppress hormone production from the pituitary gland, thus affecting the stimulation of the testicles.

In many cases, male infertility does not show any specific symptoms. Some individuals may have issues with erectile dysfunction or notice a lower amount of ejaculated semen than normal. There may be a history of accidents or previous mumps infection affecting the testicles. Once the cause is identified, the doctor will plan the appropriate treatment to address the root cause or improve the quality of sperm for future assisted reproduction.


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