Left sided numbness


However, in reality, numbness can occur due to various reasons, including prolonged pressure in the same position, abnormal levels of minerals and vitamins in the body, and numbness can also be a warning sign of a dangerous disease. So, don't ignore it if numbness becomes a regular occurrence for you.

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Half-sided numbness… could be a risk for coronary artery disease.

Frequent and intermittent numbness is one of the diverse warning signs of various diseases, including gout, thyroid problems, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, cervical radiculopathy, and even silent killers like coronary artery disease, which is one of the leading causes of sudden death. The main cause of numbness is often due to poor blood circulation. Therefore, if numbness persists and spreads to any side of the body, it is important not to ignore it and seek medical attention immediately.


How do you know if you’re at risk of coronary artery disease?

Normally, coronary artery disease may not have clear indications, but if there are symptoms, they usually manifest as a squeezing or pressure-like pain in the chest, as if something heavy is pressing on the middle of the chest. The pain may radiate to the back, arms, or left side of the body. Assessing the functionality of the red blood vessels using Vascular Screening is one way to determine if your blood vessels are at risk of constriction, rupture, or blockage.


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Vascular screening is a procedure that examines the peripheral red blood vessels of the arms and legs to determine the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI), which is the ratio between the systolic blood pressure at the ankle and the average systolic blood pressure in the arm on the same side. It is a simple, effective, and accurate method of examination. The normal range of ABI is 0.91-1.3. If the value is below 0.9, it indicates arterial stenosis in one or more areas, which may lead to coronary artery disease and future episodes of cerebral artery constriction.


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