Wellness Center

Open every day from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Taking care of health at all ages, providing convenient, fast, and comprehensive services in the form of one-stop service.

Our bodies are like cars that need regular check-ups, maintenance, and timely repairs before symptoms of diseases escalate or become severe. Therefore, health check-ups are essential.

Guidelines for choosing a health check-up program:

1.Choose a health check-up program that is suitable for your objectives.

  • Annual health check-ups for general individuals who have never had any chronic diseases or prior knowledge. This program is designed according to age groups to assess the level of risks.
  • Health check-ups for individuals with pre-existing diseases or suspicious symptoms that might indicate an illness. This program may include specific diagnostic tests related to the suspected disease.
  • Health check-ups based on family history risk factors, such as cancer or chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Annual health check-ups for employees, considering the environmental conditions and occupational risks.
  • Pre-employment health check-ups following the organization’s guidelines or recommendations from occupational health physicians.
  • Health check-ups for life insurance purposes, complying with the conditions of the insurance company and specified policies.
  • Health check-ups for travel abroad, following different criteria depending on the destination.
  • Pre-marital health check-ups for both men and women to identify potential hereditary diseases and seek medical advice for family planning or to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, ensuring appropriate preventive measures are taken.

2.Choose a comprehensive health screening package for gender and age-related disease risks.

Each age group has different risks, so it is important to have health check-ups to identify any potential conditions. It is recommended to have at least one check-up per year.

  • For individuals aged 35 and above, it is recommended to have a blood lipid profile test and a coronary artery calcification scan at least once a year.
  • For individuals aged 40 and above, it is recommended to have a lipid profile test and an electrocardiogram (ECG) test.
  • For individuals aged 50 and above, it is recommended to have colorectal cancer screening through colonoscopy or other methods as advised by a physician.
  • For women aged 30 and above or those in a relationship, it is recommended to have cervical cancer screening.
  • For women aged 35 and above, it is recommended to have breast cancer screening and cervical cancer screening.
  • For men aged 50 and above, it is recommended to have testicular cancer screening.

Recommendations and preparations before a health check-up:

1.Preparations before the health check-up:

  • Please refrain from eating, drinking, and consuming any kind of food or beverages at least 8-10 hours before the health check-up.

2.For scheduled appointments, please arrive at least 10 minutes before the appointment time.

  • Please bring any previous medical reports, medical history, or health records that you have for the physician’s reference.
  • If you are undergoing a cardiac stress test, please wear comfortable clothes and bring running shoes or sports shoes.
  • For individuals participating in fasting programs, please fast from 7:30 a.m. to prevent dehydration or hunger.
  • Recommendations for a convenient health check-up service:
  • If you do not have an appointment, please present your identification card for registration at the Health Screening Department on the 3rd floor starting from 7:00 a.m.
  • If you have a scheduled appointment, please contact the department at least 10 minutes before the appointment time.
  • If you have previous health check-up reports, please bring them for the physician’s consultation.
  • Please wear comfortable clothing and leave your jewelry at home for convenience in changing into the hospital’s examination attire, especially for special examinations such as radiographic examinations.
  • If you are unable to come for the scheduled appointment, please call and inform the staff at the Health Screening Center at 038-770-200-8 ext. 3325, 3326, or 088-5000-205 to reschedule.

3.Steps for receiving services

  1. Register to create a medical history.
  2. Select the health check-up program and receive advice from the center nurse.
  3. Undergo vital signs measurement, weight measurement, height measurement, eye examination, and blood sampling for laboratory testing.
  4. Change into a hospital examination gown to undergo specialized tests based on your selection, such as heart rate monitoring, X-rays, ultrasound, bone density measurement, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT scan), etc. **If you are having an abdominal ultrasound, you will need to hold your urine to obtain clear images. After the ultrasound is completed, you can provide a urine sample.**
  5. The staff will guide you to undergo the specific examinations while fasting from food and water. Once all the scheduled examinations are completed, you can have a meal before proceeding to other examinations. You can receive various examinations and have a physical examination by a physician within the health check-up center (one-stop service).
  6. On average, the entire examination process takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. You can wait for the test results for about 15 minutes after the examinations, except for special procedures and cases that require specialized physician consultations in various fields such as cardiology, gastroenterology, dentistry, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, etc., which may take about 2 hours.
  7. If you want to have the test results report sent by mail, please verify your accurate and clear address with the center staff. You will receive the report within one week.


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