Obstetrics Gynecology Center

Open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM daily.

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Center at Phyathai Sriracha Hospital is well-equipped with experienced medical specialists who understand women's needs.

Services provided at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Center include:

  • Prenatal care – pregnancy check-ups, natural childbirth, and painless delivery.
  • Gynecologic oncology clinic.
  • Menopause clinic.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of reproductive system disorders.
  • Gynecological surgeries.
  • Family planning consultations and birth control planning.
  • Conditions requiring consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, such as suspected pregnancy, irregular menstruation, abnormal symptoms during pregnancy (severe abdominal pain, abnormal fetal movement, bleeding, accidents or falls impacting the abdomen).
  • Miscarriage management.
  • Preterm labor.
  • Postpartum follow-up care.
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding.
  • Itching, abnormal vaginal discharge, foul odor, or abnormal color.
  • Sores or lumps in the reproductive organs.
  • Severe and abnormal menstrual pain.
  • Hot flashes and night sweats in women approaching menopause.
  • Abnormal fetal growth in the womb.
  • Palpable masses in the lower abdomen, etc.

Diseases related to the female reproductive system, including:

  • Abnormalities in pregnancy, such as bleeding during pregnancy, excessive abdominal pain, low-lying placenta.
  • Molar pregnancy, miscarriage.
  • Uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.
  • Pelvic organ prolapse.
  • Blocked fallopian tubes.
  • Sexually transmitted infections, such as genital warts, genital herpes, syphilis, and false gonorrhea.
  • Fungal infections or pathogens in the birth canal.
  • Symptoms of perimenopause.



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