Sports Medicine Clinic

Operating hours: 08:00-20:00 daily

We treat physical abnormalities caused by accidents or prolonged use that result in a decrease in performance.

The Sports Medicine Department at Phayathai Sriracha Hospital has specialized physicians in sports medicine and experienced physical therapists. Modern physical therapy equipment helps improve your physical condition from various diseases and conditions such as sprains, paralysis, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and more.

We also offer massage services for health improvement, better blood circulation, relaxation, and relieving stress from daily work.

Services provided by the Physical Therapy and Treatment Department:

  • Back pain, neck pain, knee pain, muscle soreness
  • Frozen shoulder or stiffness after exercise/sleeping for a long time
  • Patients with sprains, paralysis, or muscle stiffness
  • Children with delayed motor development or cerebral palsy
  • Individuals requiring orthopedic devices such as shoe inserts, joint braces, and various walking aids
  • Assessment of foot condition in diabetic patients
  • Patients needing pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation
  • Diagnosis of nerve and muscle function using electrical stimulation

Special services under the supervision of rehabilitation medicine physicians:

  • Herbal compress massage
  • Foot massage
  • Herbal steam therapy
  • Head massage for stress relief
  • Oil massage (Aromatherapy)
  • Herbal sauna
  • Salt scrub
  • Postpartum programs
  • Sale of herbal compress balls


