Cookie Policy

When you visit our company’s website, we use cookies to ensure that you have a good experience using our website. Cookies are small files that store and record information on your computer or communication device when you access our website through the web browser of your choice while visiting our company’s website.

We use cookies to gather your browsing preferences and behaviors on our website. This allows us to easily understand how you use our website and helps us improve it according to your needs. This enables us to provide you with a more convenient and efficient website experience. In some cases, we may need to collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address and cookies to analyze, link data, and process them for marketing purposes. You can configure cookies when you enter our company’s website. You have the option to allow or disallow cookies for analysis, data linking, and processing for marketing purposes.

Diversity and Functions of Cookies.

We use four types of cookies on our website. The use of these cookies does not identify you personally.

  •  Necessary Permanent Cookies These cookies are essential for the website. They allow you to access and use all parts of our website. These cookies will be stored and deleted after you browse our website.
  •  Cookies Types of analysis and performance measurement. This type of cookie helps us measure performance by tracking the number of pages you visit and specific characteristics of the visitor group. This information is used to analyze visitor behavior patterns, and the results are used to improve the website to better meet the needs and usage of visitors. However, the data obtained and processed does not identify or disclose your identity. Additionally, no personally identifiable information such as name or email is collected, and it is used solely as statistical data.
  •  Cookies: This type of cookie remembers various features that you have selected while using the website. The stored information will be retrieved when you revisit our website. The choices you have made will be displayed without the need to select them again, for your convenience. However, the processed data does not identify or disclose your personal identity, and it does not collect specific personal information such as your name or email. It is solely used for statistical purposes.
  •  Advertising Cookies: This type of cookie will remember your website visits, page views, and interests. The information obtained will be used to customize website content and marketing strategies according to your preferences.

The table below shows the various cookies used on our website:

Type Name
Strictly Necessary cookies PSESSID, JSESSIONID
Analytical / Performance cookies _ga, _gid, _gat, _gat_goquo, _gat_sabre, _gcl_au, WZRK_G
Functional cookies __hssrc, __hssc, __hstc
Behavioural Advertising / Targeting cookies Hubspotutk, _fbp, _dc_gtm_UA-8932346-45, WZRK_S_464-WK4-685Z, _dc_gtm_UA-8932346-1, _gat_UA-35663044-1

How can you refuse and delete cookies ?

If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can choose to refuse or block cookies by changing the settings in your browser. However, please note that visiting our website may be less convenient as some functions on the website may not work as intended. You can delete cookies by referring to the “Help” menu in your browser. Typically, most web browsers automatically store cookies, so if you do not want to use cookies, you will need to constantly block or delete them. You can learn about specific methods for each browser by following the links provided.

The changes in our policy

This Cookies policy will be updated and modified as necessary to comply with regulations. We recommend that you check to ensure that you understand the changes to the terms