
Dr. Pornjuta Phantanaangkul

  • Specialties: Internal Medicine
  • Sub Specialties:Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  • Languages: English, Thai
  • Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Diploma of the Thai Board of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Diploma of Thai Sub-Board of Gastroenterology. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Internal Medicine
  • Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Doctor's interview

Dr. Pornjuta Phantanaangkul

During my career as a medical doctor specializing in geriatrics, gastroenterology, and hepatology, I primarily cared for elderly patients with various illnesses. My goal was to further my education to provide better care for my patients and my parents. Treating conditions such as gastroenterological and liver diseases allowed for immediate diagnosis and treatment based on imaging and examinations. Although some cases required additional lab tests, the results were usually clear. For example, we could treat minor abnormalities by removing the affected tissue immediately or taking a sample for further testing if necessary.

  • My regular patients included those with gastrointestinal and liver-related conditions like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, hepatitis, viral liver diseases, and fatty liver disease. These conditions often stemmed from lifestyle habits, diet, genetics, environment, or infections.
  • For instance, severe hepatitis cases were linked to hepatitis B or C viruses or excessive alcohol consumption. Abnormal enzyme levels from fatty liver conditions were often seen in patients who consumed dietary supplements, herbal supplements, or certain medications, leading to liver cirrhosis.
  • When treating severe symptoms, thorough medical history taking, physical examinations, and lab tests were crucial for identifying the cause and providing timely treatment.
  • One patient presented with yellowish eyes, initially appearing to be hepatitis, but further tests revealed the cause as medication-induced hepatitis and jaundice. This diagnosis led to a successful treatment plan.
  • In another case, a 40-year-old patient with severe abdominal pain was diagnosed with a rare abdominal blood vessel blockage via an X-ray. This condition, leading to intestinal ischemia, required ICU monitoring, medication adjustments, and eventually, surgery to remove the affected intestine. Collaboration with senior physicians ensured the patient’s recovery and symptom management.

Screening reduces risks, more beneficial than you think

For individuals without existing health issues or symptoms, doctors recommend regular screening, especially for colorectal cancer, which is common among smokers and those with a family history of cancer. Screening, including colonoscopy or stool examination, is advised for everyone, especially those over 50.

  • Colonoscopy allows doctors to detect and remove polyps that could develop into cancer, providing peace of mind and reducing the need for frequent examinations. If further examination is needed, it can be done during the same procedure, and patients can return home immediately, awaiting the results.
  • High-risk groups, such as those with a family history of stomach cancer, should also undergo early screening for better treatment outcomes.
  • The technology for endoscopy has advanced significantly, with high resolution and the ability to perform immediate biopsies on small lesions. For larger lesions, special tools are used.
  • In addition to treating patients, I have been a medical educator, teaching medical students in years 4, 5, and 6 at hospitals in Saraburi and Saraphi, and speaking at academic conferences on hepatitis B.

Being a medical teacher has driven me to strive for self-improvement. Even though my focus is now on patient care, I take pride in helping patients recover both physically and emotionally, providing compassionate and understanding care at all times.

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