
Dr. Suchat Hetthong

  • Specialties:Internal Medicine
  • Sub Specialties:-
  • Languages: English, Thai
  • Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,Prince of Songkla University
  • Diploma of the Thai Board of Internal Medicine, Chulalongkorn University

Doctor's interview

Dr. Suchat Hetthong

"Good doctors must not be outdated; they must adapt to the new era of technology. Doing so will make our work more convenient and beneficial for our patients."

After completing her Bachelor of Medicine (Second Class Honors) at the Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University in 2543 (2000), Dr. Suchat Hetthong gained some experience in patient care. She then pursued a specialization in Geriatric Medicine at Chulalongkorn University. She shared her inspirations and experiences during her education:

“As a child from a different province with parents who were farmers, my ultimate dream was to become a doctor. I desired to acquire knowledge to take care and help people, including my parents, relatives, siblings, and community members. With this goal in mind, I was determined and diligent in my studies from a young age. As a result, I was able to pass the medical school entrance exam since high school level.”

After becoming a doctor, she worked as a medical officer in Surat Thani province, where she had the opportunity to care for numerous patients. It was during this time that she discovered her affinity and suitability for Geriatric Medicine. She felt that she could provide comprehensive care to patients and preferred using medication over surgical procedures for diagnosis and treatment. This realization led her to believe that Geriatric Medicine was the most suitable field for her.

The initial focus of patient care in the Geriatric Department is accurate diagnosis to facilitate appropriate treatment, including prescribing medications and providing advice on preventive measures and physical rehabilitation. This approach aims to prevent patients from reaching critical or severe stages of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hormonal disorders, especially thyroid-related conditions, which are prevalent. Additionally, apart from treating diseases, Dr. Suchat also emphasizes the importance of vaccination to prevent illnesses.

“Geriatricians serve as the primary sector that looks after general patients before referring them to specialists in cases where clear signs of disease or the necessity for surgical procedures or specialized medical care are identified. Nowadays, we find that diseases like diabetes and hypertension are increasingly prevalent in younger individuals, even in those aged around 30 and above. Thus, patients in this department are not exclusively elderly. Geriatricians play a crucial role in diagnosis, disease evaluation, medical treatment through medications, and providing advice to this age group right from the early stages of identifying risks or diseases, to prevent them from progressing to severe conditions or becoming chronic patients in the future.”

Prominent Characteristics of Medical Professionals

In the medical field, there is a saying, “If you can’t figure out what’s wrong, tell the doctor Med.” This means that doctors are usually well-rounded individuals with extensive knowledge that spans across various areas. Dr. Suchat is one of those medical professionals who possesses a broad knowledge base. He has a passion for reading and loves being a physician. Therefore, in addition to the knowledge acquired through formal education, Dr. Suchat continuously seeks new information to update his medical practices and provide better treatment for his patients.

“Having many long-time patients is because they trust us. We have been taking care of them for ten or more years, and we treat them like family members. Sometimes, even if the patients seek treatment from a different department, they always come back to consult with a medical professional. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, patients still came to seek advice on vaccination, including elderly grandparents, parents, and working-age young adults. As a doctor, I feel proud and honored to earn the trust of patients of all ages, aligning with my mission to help and care for every patient as if they were our own family members. Therefore, one important aspect of being a medical professional is continually updating knowledge to provide better care for patients.”

Advanced Technology and Quality Data Aid Precise Diagnoses

Currently, the integration of technology to support disease examination and diagnosis has made significant advancements, especially in terms of patient data, which is a crucial aspect. Swift access to patient data is facilitated through digital systems and online platforms, providing medical professionals with the necessary information promptly. Additionally, up-to-date software allows doctors to click and find additional information when they have doubts or need to explore new knowledge immediately.

“A good doctor must not remain outdated and should be adaptable to modern technologies. Embracing new technology helps us work more efficiently and benefits patients even more. We need to continuously update our knowledge because we are at the forefront of patient care for various diseases. Providing care that prevents severe illnesses and complications and considering a holistic view of each patient contributes to better outcomes. This serves as a driving force, motivating us to perform our duties every day.”

…Doctors often tell their patients that just like how they care for their own siblings and family, they also extend the same level of care to their patients, and they always strive to provide the best possible care.

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