
Dr.Visarut Tapaneeyakorn

  • Specialties:Pediatrics
  • Languages:English, Thai
  • Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,Khon Kaen University
  • Diploma of Thai Board of Pediatrics, Chulalongkorn University

Doctor's interview

Dr.Visarut Tapaneeyakorn

"Patient care for children is not just about treating and curing diseases, as children are constantly growing and developing. If we overlook this aspect or make mistakes, it's like starting with the wrong button on a shirt – each subsequent button will be misaligned, and eventually, the shirt won't fit properly. Therefore, doctors emphasize the importance of both care and disease prevention for even very young children, to ensure they grow into healthy adults with a strong and quality physique. The doctor believes that prevention and addressing problems from the beginning are better than trying to fix them later when some issues may become irreversible over time."

After completing a Bachelor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, and successfully becoming a licensed physician, Dr. Visarut Tapaneeyakorn continued his studies and earned a Certificate in Pediatric Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University Dr. Visarut shared his inspiration and experiences during his studies:

“I chose to become a pediatrician because children have a brightness and joy that brings happiness when spending time with them and taking care of them. It’s crucial that we help children have strong physical health and complete development so that they can grow into adults with good health and become a valuable asset in the country’s development. After completing my medical degree and successfully funding my studies, I pursued further studies in Pediatric Medicine. Additionally, I went to England for one month to gain additional experience in Pediatric Medicine. When it comes to the knowledge of pediatric medicine in Thailand, our standards are comparable to theirs. However, in England, they emphasize teamwork among specialists and comprehensive patient care. English doctors tend to spend more time with each patient, and this is something I’ve applied in caring for children. When we dedicate more time to patients, we can uncover deeper and more detailed issues, leading to more effective treatments. Currently, I have been caring for children for more than 10 years.”

Common diseases treated by Dr. Visarut in child patients include various infections, both respiratory and gastrointestinal. Additionally, he cares for healthy children who require regular check-ups to monitor their development and administer vaccinations, which are conveniently provided in package programs at Phayathai Sriracha Hospital, helping to save costs.

“Pediatricians differ from other specialists who may perform surgeries or procedures. Pediatricians do not rely heavily on medical equipment for patient care. Instead, diagnosis is mainly based on taking detailed medical histories and sending lab tests. The experience of the physician and their attentiveness aid in accurate diagnoses. Sometimes, a patient might not express their symptoms clearly, but a doctor can interpret from non-verbal cues and discussions with the child’s guardians. While technology is useful when necessary, the most crucial aspect is the doctor’s attention to the patient and precise and complete gathering of medical information. This continuous care will follow the child as they grow into adulthood. The primary principle in pediatric care is ‘do no harm,’ meaning that no matter what, we must not cause more pain and discomfort than the patient is already experiencing. The patient’s well-being and benefits are paramount.”

New Generation Children at Higher Risk of Illness due to Behavior

In the past, diseases related to lifestyle behaviors often manifested in old age. However, nowadays, some children lack physical activity and outdoor play due to excessive use of mobile phones and tablets…

“Let me give you an example of a case where a child came with severe abdominal pain and had not urinated for three days. The parents were very concerned, and the child appeared restless and agitated. Initial physical examination did not reveal anything abnormal. However, after taking a detailed medical history and learning about the child’s daily lifestyle, the doctor suspected and asked for a urine test. As expected, the child had symptoms of urinary tract infection due to holding urine frequently while engrossed in playing games. This case was not complicated and easily treatable. However, if we don’t pay attention to the behavior or environment of an ill child, fail to inquire about their daily habits, it may require various complicated lab tests and prolonged waiting for results, even though the child may only have a urinary tract infection.”

Comprehensively Understand and Treat Children’s Nature

During physical examinations and medical history taking for children, Dr. Visarut uses child psychology to create a friendly approach. He approaches them as friends and uses a soft tone of voice since children don’t like loud or harsh voices. If a child is very agitated, he engages in conversation and play first, without rushing into the examination. In the examination room, there are small dolls and colorful stickers that children like. These are given as gifts or toys to play with, so when children are happy, there is trust, and it becomes easier for the doctor to conduct the examination and ask questions, which leads to better diagnostic information.

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