
Dr. Jesdha Juntiamvong

  • Specialties:Orthopedic Surgery
  • Sub Specialties:Hand and Microsurgery
  • Languages: Thai
  • Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Diploma of the Thai Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University
  • Subspecialty in Hand and Microsurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University

Doctor's interview

Dr. Jesdha Juntiamvong

A doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal and joint surgery, particularly in hand and microsurgery. The doctor's expertise lies in performing complex surgeries involving blood vessels and small nerves, especially in the hand and fingers, with the goal of restoring normal function to the injured area and repairing damaged parts to ensure proper blood flow and prevent tissue death. Such surgeries require both the surgeon's experience and expertise, along with specialized surgical equipment like blood vessel clamps and special magnifying cameras. Additionally, the doctor employs minimally invasive surgical techniques, which help patients have smaller wounds, less pain, and faster recovery.

Dr. Jesdha Juntiamvong completed his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, and subsequently pursued further studies in Orthopedics (Musculoskeletal and Joint) at Thammasat Hospital. After gaining sufficient experience as a musculoskeletal and joint physician, he continued his advanced studies in Hand and Microsurgery at Thammasat Hospital. Currently, Dr. Jesdha specializes in Hand and Microsurgery at Phyathai Sriracha Hospital. He shared that his interest and passion in this field were sparked when he encountered various accident cases that had a significant impact on patients’ bones and caused substantial difficulties in their daily lives, especially among working-age individuals. His inspiration to further his education in hand and microsurgery also stemmed from being impressed by his mentors and considering hand surgery as an art that requires high precision, diverse surgical methods, and the desire to help patients in this particular group.

Dr. Jesdha’s patients are categorized into three main groups: those involved in traffic accidents, sports-related injuries, and individuals who experience injuries while working. The conditions he treats include fractured bones, nerve compression, locked fingers, and chronic nerve inflammation. The treatment approaches vary depending on the severity of each case, ranging from advising patients on how to use orthopedic devices, physical therapy, medication, and injections to surgical interventions for more serious cases.

“The Importance of Heart and Experience in Surgical Treatment”

Being a surgeon, the most vital aspect for Dr. Jesdha is being a doctor who possesses love and care in their treatments. This is because they often come across challenging cases that require lengthy surgical procedures, particularly due to the location of Phyathai Sriracha Hospital near numerous industrial factories. As a result, there is a high incidence of patients with severe work-related accidents, such as crushed hands, severed fingers, fractured elbows, and broken wrists. These cases vary from minor fractures to complex injuries with numerous small bone fragments.

The longest surgery I have ever performed took about 16 hours. Therefore, a doctor in this field must have a genuine passion for it, along with endurance and a love for treatment. For instance, in severe cases where nerve and tendon repairs are necessary, meticulous precision is required, resulting in lengthy procedures. Our goal as doctors is to help patients regain their organ functionality fully, just like before the injury. If the damage to the organ is extensive and cannot be fully restored, we aim to ensure the best possible functionality with minimal impairment,”

In such cases, the doctor’s skills are put to the test, and they must rely on their experiences to make the right decisions during the surgery. Dr. Jesdha emphasized the importance of paying close attention to detail and being patient, as it is crucial to give the patients the best chance of recovering as much of their bodily functions as possible. The ultimate aim is to allow the patients to resume their normal activities with the least possible limitations.

As a surgeon, Dr. Jesdha acknowledges the significance of the heart – the empathy and compassion they bring to their work. The love for their profession and the genuine care for their patients guide them through the challenges of intricate surgical procedures and the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies them.

In conclusion, the journey of a surgeon involves not only honing their medical skills but also cultivating a heart full of compassion and empathy. Dr. Jesdha’s experiences have taught him the value of patience, attention to detail, and the desire to improve the lives of his patients to the best of his abilities. With his heart and skills in sync, he continues to make a significant difference in the lives of those who require surgical treatment at Phyathai Sriracha Hospital.

24-Hour Surgical Medical Team at Phyathai Sriracha Hospital

Phyathai Sriracha Hospital boasts a team of specialized physicians available on-site 24 hours a day, including Dr. Jesdha. In addition to the dedicated medical team, the hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and facilities, enabling a collaborative effort to care for patients effectively. Dr. Jesdha discussed the outcomes of previous treatments, stating,

As a doctor, I believe we meet the standards and provide satisfactory care. Not only do we have a specialized medical team, but we also have the readiness with various equipment and devices to support patients around the clock. Our hospital is conveniently located near Sukhumvit Road, the Motorway, and Laem Chabang Industrial Estate, allowing quick access for emergency cases. This has proven to yield better results than delaying medical attention.

Dr. Jesdha also emphasized the importance of mindfulness and adherence to safety regulations while operating machinery. Patients with musculoskeletal issues, especially those aged 55 and above, who may experience bone density reduction or osteoporosis, are advised to undergo regular bone mass check-ups as a preventive measure. For women who experience early menopause, have a petite physique, have a history of fractures, or have conditions like kidney or thyroid diseases that could lead to bone problems, it is recommended to get bone health assessments, check bone mass, and examine joint and bone strength. The hospital offers various examination programs tailored to individual needs.

Dr. Jesdha said, “I urge everyone not to forget self-care and to adjust their physical habits before problems arise. Currently, there are patients suffering from conditions caused by occupational behavior, excessive use of mobile phones, and prolonged computer usage. It is important to be vigilant and observe any abnormal symptoms, such as pain, numbness, finger locking, or decreased finger mobility. If you experience any of these issues, it is essential to promptly seek medical attention to prevent chronic problems.”

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