Executive Health Check-up Program

Executive Health Check-up Program: 18 Test Items

Executive Health Check-up Program Original price was: 9,270.Current price is: 4,900.

Package Inclusions

1. Physical Examination
2. Vital Sign
3. Chest X – ray
4. Electrocardiogram
5. Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
6. Urine Examination
7. Complete Blood Count
8. Fasting Blood Sugar
9.  Cholesterol
10. Triglyceride
11. HDL-C
12. Direct LDL
13. BUN
14. Creatinine GFR
15. SGOT
16. SGPT
17. Alk. Phosphatase
18. Uric Acids

Additional Notes

• Physical Health Report
• Breakfast Coupon

Terms and Conditions

1. This service is available exclusively at Phyathai Sriracha Hospital.
2. The promotional price includes the doctor’s fee and hospital service charges.
3. The service can be redeemed within 3 months from the date of purchase.
4. Please make an appointment in advance before undergoing the health check-up.
5. This promotion cannot be exchanged, refunded, or redeemed for cash. Refunds are not applicable under any circumstances.
6. The hospital reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.

Clinics & Centers